11. desember 2013

Oslo96-reformen og faglig oppdateringspraksis / The Oslo96 reform and skills updating practices

Aasland OG, Wiers-Jenssen J. Tidsskr Nor Legeforen 2013; 133: 2478-80.
04. desember 2013

Changes in the lifetime prevalence of suicidal feelings and thoughts among Norwegian doctors from 2000 to 2010: a longitudinal study based on national samples

Rosta J, Aasland OG. BMC Psychiatry. 2013 Nov 28; 13(1):322.
18. september 2013

Tid for prioritering

– En rekke av dagens tiltak bør bort fra de offentlige helsebudsjettene. Viktigere helsetjenester må prioriteres, skriver LEFOs seniorforsker Berit Bringedal i en kronikk i Dagens Næringsliv.
18. september 2013

Norwegian Physicians’ Knowledge of the Prices of Pharmaceuticals: A Survey

Eriksen II, Melberg HO, Bringedal B. Published online in PLoS One 2013; Sep 11.
17. september 2013

Commercialism, holism, and individual responsibility

Bringedal B. Comment on “Buying health: the costs of commercialism and an alternative philosophy”. International Journal of Health Policy and Management 2013; 1: 1–2.
09. september 2013

Confidentiality as a barrier to support seeking among physicians: The influence of psychosocial work factors in four European hospitals (The HOUPE study)

Løvseth LT, Aasland OG, Fridner A, Schenck-Gustafsson K, Jónsdóttir LS, Einarsdóttir T, Marini M, Minucci D, Pavan L, Götestam KG, Linaker OM. Work 2013; Sep 4 (Epub). In print edition Work 2014; 49 (1): 113-21.
25. juni 2013

Moralsk stress og faglig ytringsfrihet blant leger / Moral distress and professional freedom of speech among doctors

Førde R, Aasland OG. Tidsskr Nor Legeforen 2013; 133: 1310-4.
25. juni 2013

Kulturell og musikalsk aktivitet blant norske leger / Cultural and musical activity among Norwegian doctors

Nylenna M, Aasland OG. Tidsskr Nor Legeforen 2013; 133: 1307-9.
30. april 2013

Norske leger i spesialisering – hvordan har de det?

Alt tyder på at det er bedre å være lege, ikke minst lege i spesialisering, i Norge enn i de fleste andre land, skriver Olaf G. Aasland og Judith Rosta i Aasland i en artikkel i Forum for yngre leger (nr. 2/2013).

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