Jobb-hjem-balanse i to kohorter av norske leger / Work-home balance in two cohorts of Norwegian doctors

Senere utdannede leger opplevde mindre jobb–hjem-stress ti år etter studiet enn leger utdannet tidligere / Doctors who graduated later, experienced less work-home interface stress than those who had received their training earlier (Hertzberg TK, Tyssen R, Skirbekk H, Isaksson Rø K. Tidsskr Nor Legeforen 2019; 139: 915-20).

Article in Norwegian and English, both are avaliable in full text version via the links.

Abstract in PubMed
BACKGROUND: Stress linked to the balance between work and home, so-called work-home interface stress, may affect the health and life situation of doctors. Reports have shown an increase in job-related stress among Norwegian doctors. We wished to investigate the development trends for this type of stress in the period 2003-14.
MATERIAL AND METHOD: Work-home interface stress was measured with the aid of three questions from a validated scale, on which the respondents reported their level of stress on a scale from 1 (no stress) to 5 (very high level of stress). The measurements were made 10 and 15 years after graduation in two cohorts of doctors who had received their training within six years of each other. We used the t-test and chi-square test to compare the cohorts and to compare gender within each cohort, and linear regression analysis to adjust for any confounding factors.
RESULTS: Doctors who had graduated later (later cohort, n = 248) reported significantly lower levels of work-home interface stress than doctors who had completed their studies six years earlier (early cohort, n = 197) (average score (standard deviation) 2.2 (1.0) vs. 2.6 (1.0), p = 0.001). This correlation remained significant after adjusting for other explanatory variables, such as gender (woman), number of children, weekly working hours and collegial and partner support. Fifteen years after graduation there were no differences between the cohorts in terms of perceived work-home interface stress. Within the cohorts there were no significant gender differences at any point of measurement. After adjustment for partner support and working hours, being a woman gave a significantly increased risk of experiencing work-home interface stress.
INTERPRETATION: Doctors who graduated later, experienced less work-home interface stress than those who had received their training earlier. The experience of stress was buffered in women who perceived their partner as supportive and had reduced working hours.

Bakgrunn: Stress knyttet til balansen mellom jobb og hjem, såkalt jobb–hjem-stress, kan påvirke legers helse og livssituasjon. Rapporter har vist økning i stress knyttet til arbeidssituasjon blant norske leger. Vi ville studere utviklingen av denne type stress i perioden 2003–14.
Materiale og metode: Jobb–hjem-stress ble målt ved hjelp av tre spørsmål fra validert skala der respondentene anga belastningsnivå fra 1 (ingen belastning) til 5 (svært mye belastning). Målingene ble gjort 10 og 15 år etter studieslutt i to legekohorter, utdannet med seks års mellomrom. Vi brukte t-test og khikvadrattest for å sammenlikne kohortene og kjønn innad i kohortene, og lineær regresjonsanalyse for å justere for eventuelle konfunderende faktorer.
Resultater: Leger utdannet senere (senere kohort, n = 248) rapporterte signifikant lavere nivå av jobb–hjem-stress ti år etter studiet enn leger som hadde fullført studiene seks år tidligere (tidlig kohort, n = 197) (gjennomsnittsskår (standardavvik) 2,2 (1,0) vs. 2,6 (1,0), p = 0,001). Sammenhengen forble signifikant etter justering for andre forklaringsvariabler, som kjønn (kvinne), antall barn, ukearbeidstid, kollegastøtte og partnerstøtte. 15 år etter studiet var det ingen forskjell på kohortene i opplevd jobb–hjem-stress. Innad i kohortene var det ingen signifikante kjønnsforskjeller ved noe tidspunkt. Etter justering for partnerstøtte og arbeidstid ga det å være kvinne signifikant økt risiko for å oppleve jobb–hjem-stress.
Fortolkning: Senere utdannede leger opplevde mindre jobb–hjem-stress ti år etter studiet enn leger utdannet tidligere. Opplevelsen av stress ble bufret hos kvinner som opplevde støtte fra sin partner og hadde redusert arbeidstid.

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