I medisinens sentrum. Den norske legeforening og spesialistregimet gjennom hundre år

Haave P. I medisinens sentrum. Den norske legeforening og spesialistregimet gjennom hundre år. Oslo: Unipub, 2011.

Book in Norwegian.

"A 'grand oeuvre' of descriptive researc published by historian Per Haave. He shows how the NMA, since its foundation in 1886, has played a central role in the training, education and certification of medical spescialists. Internationally, the initiative and responsibility for such activity originally rested with the medical profession itself, but was soon transfered to official governmental bodies, as was also the case in Norway. But here the NMA has played, and still plays, a central role in securing the quality of medical specialists. This reflects a strong and rather unusual tradition where the NMA and the government collaborate closely. More than one president of the NMA har continued his career in the gouvernmental health bureaucracy." (Aasland OG. Public Service Rewiew: European Science & Technology 2012; 15: 206-7.)

English summary is not avaliable. Contact us for more information.

Les omtale i Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening her.


Les også Per Haaves foredrag på Forskningsinstituttets 20-årsjubileum i mars 2012, "Profesjonsautonomi på norsk".