Program for Workshop om tics-kontrollerende trening (33259)

Tirsdag 11. desember

09.00 Background on TS, Treatment and Behavioral Theory.

Objectives - Participants will be able to:
1. Identify TS and other tic disorders.
2. Discuss the epidemiology and phenomenology pertaining of TD.
3. Describe the behavioral model of tic disorders
4. Assess the scope and efficacy of non-pharmacological & other treatment options for TD

10.30 Break.
11.00 Review of TS Assessment Instruments and Strategies.

Objectives - Participants will be able to: Administer, score, and interpret TS-specific assessments
instruments & scales.

12.00 Lunch break.
13.00 Overview of the Core Components of CBIT.

Objectives - Participants will be able to:
1. Outline the overall structure of CBIT
2. State a rationale for Comprehensive Behavioral Intervention for Tics

13.45 Break.
14.15 Training in Core Components of CBIT - Part 1.

Objectives - Participants will be able to:
1. Create Tic Hierarchy
2. Create Inconvenience Review
3. Conduct a Tic Functional Assessment & generate function-based intervention strategies

14.30 Q & A.

Onsdag 12. desember

Training in Core Treatment Components and Case Conceptualization

09.00 Welcome and Questions from Previous Day.
09.30 Training in Core Components of CBIT Part 3:

Competing Response Training (HRT).

2. Practice Habit Reversal Therapy (HRT)

a) Conduct Competing Response Training
(1) Choosing the Competing Response
(2) Therapist Simulation of Competing Response
(3) Teaching the Child the Competing Response
b) Conduct Social Support
(1) Identifying a Support Person
(2) Training the Praising and Prompting of Correct Implementation

10.15 Break.
10.45 Break out groups, demonstrations, & practice with

CBIT protocol.

Objectives - Participants wil be able to demonstrate primary components of CBIT, including HRT.

12.00 Lunch break.
13.00 Break out groups: Case Discussions (advanced clinicians /

 prior BTI attendees welcome).

Objectives - Participants will be able to demonstrate primary components of CBIT, including HRT.

15.00 Reconvene as a group: Discussion and Q & A.

Torsdag 13. desember

Training in Core Treatment Components and Case Conceptualization

09.00 Welcome / Introductions / Q&A from previous day.
09.30 Research & practice update regarding advancements in

the clinical management of TS.

11.00 Clinical challenges in the management of tics.
12.00 Lunch.
13.00 Comprehensive treatment planning and clinical

strategies for managing comorbidity & associated symptoms.

14.30 Group discussion of complex clinical cases and

clinical challenges when working with TS.

15.30 Wrap-up/planning for collaborative research and

ongoing clinical training.