Kolposkopi - Nettkurs (30190)

The Colposcpoy Course online

Praktiske henvendelser: Colposcopy courses
Epost: info@colposcopycourses.com
Antall kurstimer 12


Deltaker: 4 685,-


The course is accredited by The Norwegian Medical Association with 12 credit hours in postgraduate and continuing training for physicians in the following specialities: Gynaecology and Obestetrics. It is expected that it will take a student at least 12 hours to complete the online Course, and payment of the fee enables access to the course for one year, giving ample time for completion. A certificate of completion is able to be downloaded when the course is completed. The course can be accessed from anywhere in the world, enabling people to learn flexibly in their own time. Important notice - screening algorithms and treatment strategies in this course differ from some Norwegian guidelines.

Please go to the correct Norwegian guidelines. Veileder i gynekologisk onkologi (Premaligne lidelser i cervix uteri / Norwegian guidelines in gynaecological oncology and premalignant lesions in the cervix)


The Course comprises six modules, subdivided into sections to enable an easy learning experience. Students should allocate about the following time to each module.

For further details about the Couse, including a video, please go to norway.colposcopycourses.com

A discounted price of £395 is available to the Norwegian Medical Community (normal price £495). If you wish to purchase the Course, please go to colposcopycourses.com or email info@colposcopycourses.com confirming you are resident in Norway.

The Course providers will facilitate your purchase.

Godkjenninger - Gamle spesialistregler


Fødselshjelp og kvinnesykdommer: Valgfrie kurs: 12 t


Fødselshjelp og kvinnesykdommer: Valgfrie kurs: 12 t